How I get rent expired date by API

Hi, I’m a development, how can I know rent energy expired date by API or any way? thanks

Sorry for the inconvenience, the external API for Energy Rent platform is still in development. Please followed our official document for any new updates, thanks. Backend API - JustLend DAO Docs

What is the formula for calculating the expiration date? I am a developer and I need to calculate it, but I can’t find the relevant information.

I use rental energy service in my program, and it is really important to calculate expiration date and extend day or extend energy formula…

The formula is:
Expiration time = Current time + RemainingDays
RemainingDays = remainingRent / dailyRent
Since the dailyRent vary with the rental rate, the actual expiration time may vary depending on the market situation. Hope this helps, good luck.