JustLend Protocol is a TRON smart contract protocol for supplying or borrowing assets. Through the jToken contracts, accounts on the TRON blockchain supply capital (TRX or TRC20 tokens) to receive jTokens or borrow assets from the protocol (holding other assets as collateral). The JustLend jToken contracts track these balances and algorithmically set interest rates for borrowers. check more info on Justlend Whitepaper.
Main Contracts
We detail a few of the core contracts in the JustLend protocol.
CToken, CErc20 and CEther
The JustLend jTokens which are self-contained borrowing and lending contracts, are deployed from the code of CToken and CEther contracts. CToken contains the core logic and CTrc20 and CEther add public interfaces for TRC20 tokens and TRX, respectively. Each jToken is assigned an interest rate and risk model (see InterestRateModel and Comptroller parts), and allows accounts to mint (supply capital), redeem (withdraw capital), borrow and repay a borrow . Each jToken is a TRC20 compliant token where balances represent ownership of the market.
The risk model contract validates permissible user actions and disallows actions if they do not fit certain risk parameters. For instance, the Comptroller enforces that each borrowing user must maintain a sufficient collateral balance across all cTokens.
The administrator of the JustLend timelock contract. Holders of JST token may create and vote on proposals that will be queued into the JustLend timelock and then have effects on JustLend jToken and Comptroller contracts. This contract may be replaced in the future with a beta version.
Contracts that define interest rate models. These models algorithmically determine interest rates based on the current utilization of a given market (that is, how much of the supplied assets are liquid versus borrowed).
Library for tracking error codes and failure conditions.
Library for handling fixed-point decimal numbers.
Initial interest rate model, as defined in the Whitepaper. This contract accepts a base rate and slope parameter in its constructor.
Careful Math
Library for safe math operations.
Library for safely handling Trc20 interaction.
How to Compile The Contract
You can get the compiler from here
And rename the compiler executable file to solc512
, then compile the contracts with these commands.
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/Unitroller.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/Comptroller.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/Governance/WJST.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/Governance/GovernorAlpha.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/Timelock.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/JumpRateModelV2.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/WhitePaperInterestRateModel.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/CEther.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/CErc20Delegate.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/CErc20Delegator.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/PriceOracle/PriceOracle.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/PriceOracleProxy.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/PriceOracle/PriceOracle.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/PriceOracleProxy.sol
./solc512 --allow-paths $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/, --bin --abi --optimize $YOUR_PATH/justlend-protocol/Lens/CompoundLens.sol
Deployed Contract Address
Name | Address |
Unitroller | TGjYzgCyPobsNS9n6WcbdLVR9dH7mWqFx7 |
Comptroller | TB23wYojvAsSx6gR8ebHiBqwSeABiBMPAr |
WJST | TXk9LnTnLN7oH96H3sKxJayMxLxR9M4ZD6 |
GovernorBravo | TEqiF5JbhDPD77yjEfnEMncGRZNDt2uogD |
Timelock | TRWNvb15NmfNKNLhQpxefFz7cNjrYjEw7x |
jumpRateUSDT JumpRateModelV2 | TTetZxp98wcPaciyBMHYvQkS735RZ3tyXY |
jumpRateUSDJ JumpRateModelV2 | TLScd7kpWnKADtH7ZXKzrJHAxJUnjiiExq |
jumpRateSUN JumpRateModelV2 | TK7WVRz34wUVRCpsgbW1wUCPmh5bSnCqg1 |
jumpRateWIN JumpRateModelV2 | TBtChPo34CGJkb1QVEwPhxS8HQE2Xp7ir2 |
jumpRateJST JumpRateModelV2 | TMNXjQTa8x4wNHBa3X647KRnkRQpSuXBRT |
jumpRateWBTT JumpRateModelV2 | TJAfCJdJZa44pG5adQGLMLh27hJqPeLxod |
jumpRateNFT JumpRateModelV2 | TBE9tkWYdZPEHLNeKC6Xn44YFLpieiM3xq |
WhitePaperModelTRX WhitePaperInterestRateModel | TF8B4iysAGfrssdQhMJGYsdd9SZoxGsH7M |
WhitePaperModelBTC WhitePaperInterestRateModel | TYJi9q4qLQWoBiKmMQY3Mn81tmhw7SeCmh |
TRX CEther | TE2RzoSV3wFK99w6J9UnnZ4vLfXYoxvRwP |
USDT CErc20Delegate | TLjn59xNM7VEK6VZ3VQ8Y1ipxsdsFka5wZ |
USDT CErc20Delegator | TXJgMdjVX5dKiQaUi9QobwNxtSQaFqccvd |
USDJ CErc20Delegate | TYSHTEq9NFSgst94saeRvt6rAYgWkqMFbj |
USDJ CErc20Delegator | TL5x9MtSnDy537FXKx53yAaHRRNdg9TkkA |
SUNOLD CErc20Delegate | TSCpzKvJfXHj1HW5jKg9dZA8z9aMxxGLd8 |
SUNOLD CErc20Delegator | TGBr8uh9jBVHJhhkwSJvQN2ZAKzVkxDmno |
WIN CErc20Delegate | TW3GyD3hYkKwzSGytWwWGXpe2a93zCpRzJ |
WIN CErc20Delegator | TRg6MnpsFXc82ymUPgf5qbj59ibxiEDWvv |
BTC CErc20Delegate | TVsKSRgRoMcCp798qqRGesXRfzy2MzRjkR |
BTC CErc20Delegator | TLeEu311Cbw63BcmMHDgDLu7fnk9fqGcqT |
JST CErc20Delegate | TQ2sbnmxtR7jrNk4nxz2A8f9sneCqmk6SB |
JST CErc20Delegator | TWQhCXaWz4eHK4Kd1ErSDHjMFPoPc9czts |
WBTT CErc20Delegate | TV4WWBqBfn1kd4KmpYeSJpVAfybfrxEN9L |
WBTT CErc20Delegator | TUY54PVeH6WCcYCd6ZXXoBDsHytN9V5PXt |
NFT CErc20Delegate | TLkUdtDBLMfJdXni2iTa4u2DKM53XmDJHi |
NFT CErc20Delegator | TFpPyDCKvNFgos3g3WVsAqMrdqhB81JXHE |
SUN CErc20Delegator | TPXDpkg9e3eZzxqxAUyke9S4z4pGJBJw9e |
SUN CErc20Delegate | TM82erAZJSP7NKc17JdTnzVC8WKJHismWB |
TUSD CErc20Delegator | TSXv71Fy5XdL3Rh2QfBoUu3NAaM4sMif8R |
TUSD CErc20Delegate | THbrSjDsDA2KJRxx8K73tN7vLgaXSUNQFk |
USDC CErc20Delegator | TNSBA6KvSvMoTqQcEgpVK7VhHT3z7wifxy |
USDC CErc20Delegate | THQY8YX19jLFSFg1xhthM5wb7xZvKLCzgq |
ETH CErc20Delegator | TR7BUFRQeq1w5jAZf1FKx85SHuX6PfMqsV |
ETH CErc20Delegate | TQBvTVisiceDvsQVbLbcYyWQGWP7wtaQnc |
USDD CErc20Delegator | TX7kybeP6UwTBRHLNPYmswFESHfyjm9bAS |
USDD CErc20Delegate | TFdTqrMyb6PMMqTa9vnhmQHDFDU2oUhw9W |
Oracle PriceOracle | TD8bq1aFY8yc9nsD2rfqqJGDtkh7aPpEpr |
Oracle proxy PriceOracleProxy | TCKp2AzuhzV4B4Ahx1ej4mvQgHZ1kH7F7k |
For any concerns with the protocol, open an issue or visit us on Telegram to discuss.
For security concerns, please email support@justlend.org.